Rest assured that no one has a special relationship with Allah. Whoever denies me is not my (follower). The appearance of the Relief (al-faraj) depends solely upon Allah; therefore, those who propose a certain time for it are liars. As to the benefit of my existence in Occultation, it is like the benefit of the sun behind clouds where the eyes do not see. Indeed, my existence is an amnesty for the people of the earth. Pray much to Allah to hasten the Relief, for therein also lies the release from your sufferings.
Imam Mahdi (ATF)
It is highly recommended to perform Ghusl on this night
After Isha, recite 4 raka'ats (2x2), in each unit after Sura al-Hamd recite Sura al-Ikhlas 100 times
Recite Sura Yasin 3 times. For:
1. Long life.
2. Safety against misfortunes.
3. Assurance against sudden death.
Go into Sajda
Raise your head from Sajda. Go into Sajda again
Recite the specific Ziarat of Imam Hussain for the 15th of Shabaan, or Ziarat Waritha
Excerpt from 'The Life of Imam al-Mahdi':
Historians state that Imam Hasan Askari (a.s.) invited his aunt, Hakima the daughter of Imam Jawwad (a.s.) to his house, who was an Alawite lady of a very pious character. Her chastity and purity closely resembled that of her honorable grandmother, Fatima Zahra (s.a). When she arrived at the residence of her nephew, Imam Hasan Askari (a.s.), he welcomed her with utmost respect and said,
'Auntie, be with us today for breaking the fast. Very soon the Almighty Allah (SwT) would gladden you as a result of His Wali and Proof (Hujjat) on the people and my caliph after me.'
The whole being of the exalted lady became surrounded with elation and joy just by hearing these words of the Imam (a.s.) and she said, 'O my master and chief! May I be sacrificed on you, from whom would the caliph be born?'
Imam (a.s.) replied, 'From Susan (or Narjis).'
Her Eminence, Hakima cast a glance at Susan but did not see any sign of pregnancy in her. She turned to Imam (a.s.) and said, 'She is not pregnant.' The Imam (a.s.) smiled and said, 'The pregnancy would be manifested for you at dawn. Because her pregnancy has not become apparent like that of the mother of Musa (a.s.) and no one could learn about it till the time of delivery. This was so because, the Pharaoh used to have the bellies of expecting ladies cut open so that he could get hold of Musa (a.s.); and this newborn child is also like His Eminence, Musa (a.s.).'
When the time of evening prayer (Maghrib) arrived, Lady Hakima recited the evening and night prayers. After that she sat down with Lady Susan for breaking the fast. Later she went to sleep. She awoke during the night and glanced at Susan but again saw no sign of pregnancy and childbirth in her.
When the last hours of the night approached she arose and began to perform the Midnight (Shab) Prayer. When she reached the one-unit ‘watr’ prayer, Susan, the chaste lady, woke up from her sleep and also recited the Midnight Prayer. After the prayers she began to feel labor pains. Lady Hakima approached the honorable maid and asked, 'Do you feel something?' She replied, 'I am feeling a severe thing.'
Lady Hakima addressed her with utmost kindness and respect, 'If Allah (SwT) wills, there is no fear for you.' Not much time passed when a beautiful male child was born from the womb of his mother, Susan. The child who would purify the earth from transgressors and oppressors and establish the rule of God over it.
His Eminence, Imam Hasan Askari (a.s.) was extremely overjoyed at the birth of this blessed and fortunate child and he began to speak up in refutation of the Abbaside rulers that they used to think that they would be able to soon kill him and deprive the Imam (a.s.) from continuing his progeny. He said in this way, 'These cruel people thought that they would kill me so that this progeny could be cut off. What an estimation of God’s power they had?'