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1st Shawwal

It is obligatory to give Zakat Fitra.

It is recommended to perform ghusl at sunset on the Night of Eid al-Fitr, and it has also been narrated that the ghusl should be taken at the end of the Night of Eid.


He who keeps awake on the Nights of Two Eids (i.e. al-Fitr & al-Adhaa) expecting reward from Allah, his heart would not die on the day when hearts [of others] die
Holy Prophet (SAW)

Recite the specific Ziarat of Imam Hussain for the night of Eid, or Ziarat Waritha


It is recommended to perform ghusl

Recite Salaatul Eid As follows:

In the first Rak`ah, recite Surah of al-Fatihah and Surah Al A'ala (or any other Sura). After the recitation of these Surahs, say the takbir four times and raise the hands for the Qunut after each takbir, reciting the dua. Then after the 4th qunoot say the takbir for fifth time after 4th qunoot and again for the sixth time before ruku ,then do the ruku and sujud.

In the second Rak`ah, recite Surah of al-Fatihah and Surah As Shams (or any other) and then say the takbir three times raising the hands for the Qunut after each takbir After that, say the fourth takbir after 3rd Qunoot & fifth takbir before ruku and continue to complete the prayer.

Other amaal for the day:

Recite the specific Ziarat of Imam Hussain for the day of Eid, or Ziarat Waritha
