When some blessings come to you, do not drive them away through thanklessness.
Imam Ali (A)
Common Amaal for the nights of Qadr:
Perform ghusl before sunset
Recite 2 rak'aat namaaz, in each unit after Sura al-Hamd recite Sura al-Ikhlas 7 times
Specific Amaal for this night:
Recite the specific Ziarat of Imam Hussain for the night of Qadr, or Ziarat Waritha
Excerpt from 'The Life of Ali Ibn Abi Talib':
When the Imam (‘a) realized that he would very soon departed from this world, he gathered all of his sons and daughters to bid the last farewell to them. When they all presented themselves before him, he said to them with a low voice,
'I beseech Allah to be my representative among you. I entrust you with Allah.'
They all started weeping heavily and loudly. The Imam (‘a) then turned his face toward his son Al-Hasan, who had asked why he had said these words, and said to him,
'O son, I have seen in dream your grandfather the Messenger of Allah (S) one night before this calamity, and I complained to him about the humiliation and harm I was receiving from this nation. He therefore said to me, ‘You may invoke Allah’s curse on them.’ I thus said, ‘O Allah, please make them face one more evil than I am and make me face people better than they are.’
The Messenger of Allah (S) said to me, ‘Your prayer has been granted. After three nights, Allah will bring you to us.’ Tonight, the three nights terminate. O Abu-Muhammad (Al-Hasan), I want you to take good care of Abu-’Abdullah (Al-Husayn), for you both are part of me and I am part of you.'
Imam Ali (‘a) then turned his face towards his other sons, ordered them not to violate the instructions of Al-Hasan and Al-Husayn, and said to them,
'May Allah console you excellently! This night, I will depart from you and catch my dear brother Muhammad (S) as he promised me.'
He then fainted for a while. When he regained consciousness, he said to his sons,
'I have just seen the Messenger of Allah (S), my uncle Hamzah, my brother Ja’far, and the companions of the Messenger of Allah (S) and all of them say to me, ‘Hurry up! Come to us! We are surely eager to meet you.’
Leniently, Imam Ali (‘a) then said,
'I entrust you all with Allah. My representative among you is Allah, and He is the best of all representatives.'
The Imam (‘a) then greeted the angels that had surrounded him to transmit his holy soul to the Highest Paradise. He then went on reciting verses of the Holy Quran. The last two holy Quranic verses he (‘a) recited were the following:
'For the like of this, then let the workers work.' (37:61)
'Lo! Allah is with those who keep their duty unto Him and those who are doers of good.' (16:128)
The Imam’s soul then left his body towards the Paradisiacal Abode surrounded by the angels, the prophets, and the prophets’ successors.