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18th Zilhajj



It is highly recommended to fast on this day

It is recommended to perform Ghusl

Close to the time of Dhuhr, recite 2 raka'at prayer, in the first unit after Sura al-Hamd recite Sura al-Qadr, and in the second unit after Sura al-Hamd recite Sura al-Ikhlas

Half an hour before Maghrib, recite a 2 raka'at prayer. In each unit, after Sura al-Hamd, recite Sura al-Ikhlas, Ayatul Kursi, and Sura al-Qadr 10 times each.

Recite the either one of the following three Ziarat

Excerpt from 'The Message':

[Sermon Of The Prophet At Ghadir Khum]

'All glory is specially for Allah. We seek His help and have faith in Him and rely upon Him. We seek refuge in Him from our evil doings and indecent deeds. He is the Lord besides whom there is no guide. There will be none to mislead one whom He guides. I testify that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is His servant and His Messenger.

Yes, O people! I may soon accept the Divine invitation and may depart from amongst you. I am responsible and you too are responsible. What is your opinion about me?'
At this stage those present said loudly: 'We testify that you have carried out your mission and made efforts in this behalf. My Allah reward you for this!'

The Prophet said: 'Do you testify that the Lord of the World is one and Muhammad is His servant and His Messenger and that there is no doubt about life in the other world?' All of them said: 'It's correct and we testify it.'

Then the Prophet said: 'O my followers! I am leaving behind two valuable assets as legacies to you and it is to be seen as to how you behave with these two legacies of mine.'

At this moment a person stood up and said with a loud voice: 'What do you mean by the two exquisite things?' To this the Prophet replied; 'One of them is the Book of Allah, one side of which is related to Allah and the other side is in your hands. And the other thing is my progeny and my Ahl al-Bayt. Allah has informed me that these too memorable things will not act separated from each other.'

Yes, O people, Don't seek precedence over the Qur'an and over my progeny and do not be negligent in your behaviour towards them, lest you should be annihilated.'
At this moment he held the hand of Ali and raised it so high that the whiteness of the armpits of both of them became visible to the people.

He introduced him (i.e. Ali) to all the people and then said:
'Who enjoys more rights over the believers than themselves?' All of them said, 'Allah and His Prophet know better.' Then the Prophet said: 'Allah is my maula (master) and I am the maula of the believers and I am more deserving and enjoy more rights over them than they themselves.

Yes, O people! Of whomsoever I am the maula this Ali is also his maula.

O Allah! Love those, who love Ali and be inimical to those who are inimical towards Ali. O Allah! help Ali's friends; humiliate his enemies and make him the pivot of truth.'

In the meanwhile the Archangel Jibreel came and brought this verse:

'This day I have perfected your religion for you and completed My favours to you, and have chosen for you the religion Islam' (Surah al-Ma'idah, 5:3)

At this moment the Prophet pronounced Takbir loudly and then added: 'I thank Allah for His having perfected His religion and for having completed His favour and for His having been pleased with the mastership and succession of Ali after me.'

Then the Prophet stepped down from the platform and said to Ali: 'Sit in a tent so that the chiefs and distinguished personalities of Islam may shake hands with you and congratulate you.'

The two shaykhs (Abu Bakr and Umar) congratulated Ali before all others and called him their maula.

Hassan bin Thabit, the renowned poet, after obtaining the Prophet's permission recited the following verses:

He said to Ali:
'Stand up for I have selected you to succeed me and to guide the people after me.

Of whomsoever I am the maula Ali is his maula. You love him sincerely and follow him.'

