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Zarbat Imam Ali (A)

19th Ramadhan

Often your utterances and expressions of your face leak out the secrets of your hidden thoughts.
Imam Ali (A)

Important Facts

Ali Ibn Abu Talib (A)

Abu Talib (A)

Fatima Bintul Asad (SA)

Abu al-Hasan


13 Rajab 23 B.H. inside the Kaaba

21 Ramadhan 40 AH, struck by sword on the 19th in Masjid Kufa



Common Amaal for the nights of Qadr:

Perform ghusl before sunset

Recite 2 rak'aat namaaz, in each unit after Sura al-Hamd recite Sura al-Ikhlas 7 times

Specific Amaal for this night:

Recite the specific Ziarat of Imam Hussain for the night of Qadr, or Ziarat Waritha


Excerpt from 'The Life of Ali Ibn Abi Talib':

Imam Ali (‘a) headed for the mosque and, as usual, started rousing from sleep the people who slept there. When he passed by some people, the Imam (‘a) put his hand on his beard and said,

'I believe that one of you is the most wretched person who will dye the hair of my beard with the blood of my head.'

The Imam (‘a) then started offering the prayer. While he was in the prostration posture, Abd Al-Rahman ibn Muljim, accompanied by Shabib ibn Bahirah Al- Ashja’i, struck the Imam (‘a) with his poisoned sword while repeating the slogan of the Khawarij, 'There is no verdict but Allah’s.'

Ibn Muljim hit the Imam (‘a) on the head so fiercely that the strike reached the Imam’s brain. Immediately, the Imam (‘a) shouted, 'I have won. I swear it by the Lord of the Ka’bah.'

When the news was spread, people hurried to the mosque and found the Imam (‘a) thrown and bleeding in his niche. He was carried to his house and escorted with wails and lamentations.

The family members of the Imam (‘a) received him with cries and screams, but he ordered them to be patient and satisfied with the act of Almighty Allah. When he noticed the agonies of Imam Al-Hasan (‘a), he said to him,

'O son, do not cry. You will be poisoned to death and your brother will be killed by swords'

