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Layalil Baydha'

15th Rajab

The Qibla on this day was changed from Baytul Maqdas to the Holy Ka'bah in 2 A.H.


Recite 12 raka'ats (6x2), in each unit recite these 4 times: Sura al-Hamd, Sura al-Ikhlas, Sura al-Falaq, Sura an-Nas, Ayatul Kursi, Sura al-Qadr

Recite 6 raka'ats (3x2), in each unit after Sura al-Hamd recite Sura Yasin, Sura Mulk, and Sura al-Ikhlas

Recite the specific Ziarat of Imam Hussain for the 15th of Rajab, or Ziarat Waritha


Perform Ghusl on this day
