. Shia Devotions - View Events

General Rajab Amaal

First Thursday of the month - Lailatul Raghaib':

It is highly recommended to fast on this day

Recite 12 raka'at prayer (6x2), with the intention of Rija Matloob (hope that it may be a Godly desired act). In each unit, after Sura al-Hamd recite Sura al-Qadr 3 times and Sura al-Ikhlas 12 times

After every Wajib Salaat:

Every day and night:

Every night:

2 raka'at prayer, recite Sura al-Ikhlas 100 times in each unit, after Sura al-Hamd

10 raka'at prayer (2x5) after Sura al-Hamd, recite Sura al-Kafirun and Sura al-Ikhlas 3 times

Every Friday between Dhuhr and Asr:

4 raka'at (2x2), in each raka'at after Sura al-Hamd recite Ayatul Kursi 7 times, and Sura al-Ikhlas 5 times.

Anytime during the month:
