The 27th night of Rajab is the last of the holy nights of this blessed month. The Holy Prophet (SAW) received his first revelation when he was 40 years old, on the 27th of Rajab. Thus this night is known as the night of Mab'ath, or the night when he was given the responsibility of Apostleship.
The Holy Prophet's ascension to the heavens, Mi'raj, also took place on the 27th of Rajab, when he was 50 years old.
It is recommended to perform Ghusl on this night
Just before midnight, reicte 12 raka'ats (6x2), and in each raka'at after Sura al-Hamd, recite any short Sura from Sura Muhammad (#47) to the last Sura in the Holy Quran. After completing the prayers, recite each of the following Suras 7 times:
After completion, recite the following Dua:
It is recommended to perform Ghusl on this day
Reicte 12 raka'ats (6x2), and in each raka'at after Sura al-Hamd recite any short Sura. After completing the prayers.
Excerpt from 'The Message':
The Prophet commenced his grand journey from the house of Umme Hani (sister of the Commander of the Faithful) and mounted on Buraq proceeded to Baytul Maqdis, situated in Jerusalem, which is also called Masjidul Aqsa. After a very short time he dismounted there and visited different parts of the mosque as well as Bethlehem which is the birth place of 'Isa and also saw various other places associated with different Prophets. At some of these places he also performed two rak'ats of prayers.
Thereafter he commenced the second part of his journey and proceeded from that place to the skies. He then observed the stars and the system of the world and conversed with the souls of the previous Prophets and also with the angels of the heavens. He saw the centres of blessing and torture (Paradise and Hell) and also saw the places of the dwellers of Hell and Paradise from close quarters, and a consequently became fully aware of the secrets of creation, the extent of the Universe and the signs of the Omnipotent Allah.
Then he continued his journey and reached 'Sidratul-Muntaha' and found it fully covered with splendour, magnificence and grandeur. At this time his journey came to an end he returned through the way he had gone.