The 27th night of Rajab is the last of the holy nights of this blessed month. The Holy Prophet (SAW) received his first revelation when he was 40 years old, on the 27th of Rajab. Thus this night is known as the night of Mab'ath, or the night when he was given the responsibility of Apostleship.
The Holy Prophet's ascension to the heavens, Mi'raj, also took place on the 27th of Rajab, when he was 50 years old.
It is recommended to perform Ghusl on this night
Just before midnight, reicte 12 raka'ats (6x2), and in each raka'at after Sura al-Hamd, recite any short Sura from Sura Muhammad (#47) to the last Sura in the Holy Quran. After completing the prayers, recite each of the following Suras 7 times:
After completion, recite the following Dua:
It is recommended to perform Ghusl on this day
Reicte 12 raka'ats (6x2), and in each raka'at after Sura al-Hamd recite any short Sura. After completing the prayers.
Excerpt from 'The Message':
An angel was appointed by Allah to recite a few verses to the 'honest one' of Quraysh by way of prelude and introduction to the Book of guidance and welfare, so as to bestow honour upon him by providing him with the garment of prophethood. The angel was the Archangel Jibreel himself and the particular day was the day of Muhammad's appointment to the office of prophethood. We shall speak about the determination of that day later.
There is no doubt about the fact that to confront an angel requires special preparedness. Unless the soul of a person is great and strong, he cannot bear the burden of prophethood, nor can he endure a meeting with an angel. The 'honest one' of Quraysh had acquired such preparedness by means of prolonged prayers, excessive meditations and the blessings of Allah, and as stated by numerous writers of 'Seerah', the Prophet saw, even before his appointment to the prophetic mission, dreams and visions, which were really as clear as daylight.
After some time the most delightful hours for him were those during which he prayed in seclusion. His days were passing in this manner till, on the particular day, an angel paced a tablet by his side and said: 'Recite'. And the Prophet on account of the fact that he was unlettered and had not learnt to read and write, replied that he was unable to read. The Archangel Jibreel pressed him severely and then asked him to recite.
However, he repeated the same reply. The angel again pressed him severely. This action was repeated thrice and after the third pressure he suddenly felt within himself that he could read the writing on the tablet held by the angel. He then read the following verses which are infact reckoned to be the introduction of the Book of human welfare:'Recite in the name of your Lord who created (all things).He created man from a clot of blood! Recite, your Lord is the Most Bountiful One, Who by the pen taught man what he did not know.' (Surah al-Alaq, 96 1- 5)
Archangel Jibreel accomplished his assignment and after the revelation the Prophet also descended the mountain of Hira and proceeded towards Khadijah's house.