If one refrains from arranging for any worldly benefit on the tenth of Muharram, Almighty Allah will grant him all his needs for this world and the world to come. If one considers the tenth of Muharram to be the day of his misfortune, sadness, and weeping, Almighty Allah will make the Resurrection Day the day of his delight and happiness; and he will be delighted by us in Paradise
Imam Ridha (A)
It is forbidden to fast on the day of Ashura
The Shi'ah should not eat or drink anything on this day (until late afternoon). This is not a fast and thus should not be kept with the intention of fasting
Recite Salawáat as many times possible
Before Zohr:
Recite a 4 unit salaah (2x2):
In the first prayer, first unit, after Sura al- Hamd recite Sura al-Kafirun and in the second unit after Sura al-Hamd recite Sura al-Ikhlas.
In the second prayer, first unit, after Sura al- Hamd recite Sura al-Ahzab and in the second unit after Sura al-Hamd recite Sura al-Munafiqun.
Recite 2 rakaat prayer for Ziarat Ashura
Excerpt from 'Maqtal al-Husayn':
...a man threw a stone at him, hitting his forehead and causing his blood to run down his face.
He took his shirt to wipe his blood from his eyes just as another man shot him with a three-pronged arrow that pierced his chest and settled in his heart.
He instantly said, 'In the Name of Allah, through Allah, and on the creed of the Messenger of Allah [do I die].' Raising his head to the heavens, he said, 'Lord! You know that they are killing a man besides whom there is no other son of Your Prophet's daughter!'
As soon as he took the arrow out of his back, blood gushed forth like a drain pipe. He placed his hand on his wound and once his hand was filled with blood, he threw it above saying, 'Make what has happened to me easy for me; it is being witnessed by Allah' Not a single drop of that blood fell on the ground.
Then he put it back a second time and it was again filled with blood. This time he rubbed it on his face and beard as he said, 'Thus shall I appear when I meet my Lord and my grandfather the Messenger of Allah (S), drenched in my blood. It is then that I shall say: 'O grandfather! So-and-so killed me.''
After Asr:
Excerpt from 'Maqtal al-Husayn':
A man from among them wanted to take his underpants after all his other clothes had been taken away by others.
This man said, 'I wanted to take it off, but he had put his right hand on it which I could not lift; therefore, I severed his right hand...
He then put his left hand on it which I also could not lift, so I severed it, too, and was about to bare him and take it off. It was then that I heard something like an earthquake, so I became frightened. I left him and fell into a swoon.
While I was unconscious, I saw the Prophet (S), ‘Ali, Fatima, and al-Hasan (‘a). Fatima was saying, ‘O son! They killed you! May Allah kill them!' He said to her,‘O mother!This sleeping man has severed my right hand!' She then invoked Allah's curse on me saying, ‘May Allah cut your hands and legs, and may He blind you and hurl you into the fire!'
Indeed, I am now blind. My hands and legs have already been amputated, and nothing remains from her curse except the Fire.'