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Wiladat Imam Hussain (A)

3rd Shabaan

Experience enhances the intellect.
Imam Husayn (A)

Important Facts

Husayn ibn Ali (A)

Imam Ali (A)

Bibi Fatema (SA)

Abu Abd Allah

Sayyidush Shuhada

3rd Shaban 4 A.H. in Madina

He died on the plains of Karbala on 10th of Muharram 61 A.H and is buried there


Excerpt from 'The Life of Imam Husayn (a) Research and Analysis':

When the news of his grandson’s birth was conveyed to him, His Eminence, immediately hastened to his dearest Fatima (‘a) in such a condition that his steps were heavy and grief and sorrow had enveloped him. Then in a choked voice he called out: 'O Asma! Get me my child!'

Asma handed over the child to him. The Holy Prophet took him in his arms and kissed him again and again while all the time he was weeping. Asma became worried and asked: 'May my parents be sacrificed on you, why are you lamenting?'

The Holy Prophet (S) replied with his eyes filled with tears: 'I am weeping for this son of mine.'

She was astonished to hear this and she could not understand the motive behind this. She asked: 'He has just stepped into the world!'

The Messenger of Allah (S) replied to her in an aggrieved tone: 'An unjust group shall slay him after me, may the Almighty Allah deprive them of my intercession.'

After that he stood up in a sad mood and told Asma secretly: 'Do not convey this to Fatima as she has just come out of labor'

The Holy Prophet (S) emerged from the house in a sorrowful mood because he had received the information from the unseen about the calamities that were to befall the child in the future; such calamities as could shake the complete life of every living person.

