O son of Adam, you are still in good as long as you preach to yourself, reckon it, fear is your underwear, and grief is your outer garment. O son of Adam, you will die, be raised from the dead, be stood before Allah, the Great and Almighty, be questioned, hence prepare an answer.
Imam Sajjad (A)
Excerpt from 'Maqtal al-Husayn':
[In Kufa]
‘Ali Ibn al-Husayn (A) was brought on a lean camel. Chains were placed on his neck, and he was handcuffed. Both sides of his neck were bleeding. ...He signaled to people to be silent. Once they were silent, he praised Allah and glorified Him and saluted the Prophet (S). Then he said,
'O people! Whoever recognizes me knows me, and whoever does not, let me tell him that I am ‘Ali son of al-Husayn Ibn ‘Ali Ibn Abu Talib (‘a). I am the son of the man whose sanctity has been violated, whose wealth has been plundered, whose children have been seized.
I am the son of the one who has been slaughtered by the Euphrates neither out of blood revenge nor on account ofan inheritance. I am the son of the one killed in the worst manner. This suffices me to be proud. O people!
I plead to you in the Name of Allah: Do you not know that you wrote my father then deceived him? Did you not grant him your covenant, your promise, and your allegiance, then you fought him? May you be ruined for what you have committed against your own souls, and out of your corrupt views!
Through what eyes will you look at the Messenger of Allah (S) when he says to you, 'You killed my Progeny, violated my sanctity, so you do not belong to my nation?''