On the day of Resurrection, I will seize your collar to demand my right from you which is trampled on today.
Bibi Fatema (SA)
Fatimah Al-Zahra (‘A) From The Cradle To The Grave:
One day, the Prophet came home and heard Khadijah talking to Fatimah, So, he asked her, 'O Khadijah, whom are you talking to?' 'To the child in my womb – it talks to me and comforts me,' she replied.
He said, 'O Khadijah, Jibra’il has just informed me that it is a girl, and she is a pure and blessed child. Allah, the Most High, will continue my lineage through her. He will place the Imams in her progeny and will make them His vicegerents on earth after the completion of revelation.'
Then the Imam ('a) mentioned that four women descended [from heaven] in order to assist Khadijah with her delivery... He ('a) said: 'Fatimah was born pure, and when she fell to the earth, a light emanated from her the brightness of which was So, great that it illuminated all the houses of Makkah... then ten houris entered, each one of them carrying a tray from Paradise with an ewer that was filled with water from [the pool of] al-Kawthar.
They each gave the vessel to the lady who was in front of her, and she washed her with the water of al-Kawthar. Then two white cloths were brought that were whiter than milk and more fragrant than musk and amber. She was swaddled in one and covered with the other. Then she was questioned, So, Fatimah pronounced the testimonies of faith (shahadatayn), saying: 'I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, and that my father is the Messenger of Allah and the Master of all Prophets, and my husband is the Master of all Legatees (awsiya’) and my two sons are the Masters of the Youth [of Paradise].'
Then she (Fatimah) greeted them and called each one by her name. Each one came forward and smiled at her. The houris were overjoyed and all the inhabitants of the heavens congratulated each other on the birth of Fatimah. A glowing light was seen at that moment in the sky, the likes of which the angels had never witnessed. The women said, 'Take her, O Khadijah, a pure, purified, honourable and auspicious child who is blessed and whose progeny is blessed.' So, she took her, with joy and happiness, and placed her next to her breast and nursed her.'