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Al-Infitar (#82)
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بِسْمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحْمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ bismillāhir raḥmānir raḥīm In the Name of Allah, the All-beneficent, the All-merciful.
إِذَا ٱلسَّمَآءُ ٱنفَطَرَتْ idhas samā-un faṭarat When the sky is rent apart,
وَإِذَا ٱلْكَوَاكِبُ ٱنتَثَرَتْ wa idhal kawākibun-tatharat when the stars are scattered,
وَإِذَا ٱلْبِحَارُ فُجِّرَتْ wa idhal biḥāru fujjirat when the seas are merged,
وَإِذَا ٱلْقُبُورُ بُعْثِرَتْ wa idhal qubūru bu`thirat when the graves are overturned,
عَلِمَتْ نَفْسٌ مَّا قَدَّمَتْ وَأَخَّرَتْ `alimat nafsun mā qaddamat wa-akhharat then a soul shall know what it has sent ahead and left behind.
يَـٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلْإِنسَـٰنُ مَا غَرَّكَ بِرَبِّكَ ٱلْكَرِيمِ yā-ayyuhal-insānu mā gharraka birabbikal karīm O man! What has deceived you about your generous Lord,
ٱلَّذِى خَلَقَكَ فَسَوَّىٰكَ فَعَدَلَكَ alladhī khalaqaka fasawwāka fa`adalak who created you and proportioned you, and gave you an upright nature,
فِىٓ أَىِّ صُورَةٍ مَّا شَآءَ رَكَّبَكَ fī ayyi ṣūratim mā shā-a rakkabak and composed you in any form that He wished?
كَلَّا بَلْ تُكَذِّبُونَ بِٱلدِّينِ kallā bal tukadhhibūna bid dīn No! Indeed, you deny the Retribution.
وَإِنَّ عَلَيْكُمْ لَحَـٰفِظِينَ wa inna `alaykum laḥāfiẓīn Indeed, there are over you watchers,
يَعْلَمُونَ مَا تَفْعَلُونَ ya`lamūna mā taf`alūn who know whatever you do.
إِنَّ ٱلْأَبْرَارَ لَفِى نَعِيمٍ innal-abrāra lafī na`īm Indeed the pious shall be amid bliss,
وَإِنَّ ٱلْفُجَّارَ لَفِى جَحِيمٍ wa innal fujjāra lafī jaḥīm and indeed the vicious shall be in hell,
يَصْلَوْنَهَا يَوْمَ ٱلدِّينِ yaṣlawnahā yawmad dīn entering it on the Day of Retribution,
وَمَا هُمْ عَنْهَا بِغَآئِبِينَ wa mā hum `anhā bighā-ibīn and they shall not be absent from it.
وَمَآ أَدْرَىٰكَ مَا يَوْمُ ٱلدِّينِ wa mā adrāka mā yawmud dīn And what will show you what is the Day of Retribution?
ثُمَّ مَآ أَدْرَىٰكَ مَا يَوْمُ ٱلدِّينِ thumma mā adrāka mā yawmud dīn Again, what will show you what is the Day of Retribution?
يَوْمَ لَا تَمْلِكُ نَفْسٌ لِّنَفْسٍ شَيْـًٔا ۖ وَٱلْأَمْرُ يَوْمَئِذٍ لِّلَّهِ yawma lā tamliku nafsul linafsin shay-ā ۖ wal-amru yawma-idhin lillāh It is a day when no soul will be of any avail to another soul and all command that day will belong to Allah.