Each of the names of God is the greatest, so empty your heart of all but Him and call upon Him by any name you wish.
Holy Prophet (SAW)
Excerpt from 'History of Islam up to the Demise of the Prophet (S)':
On Thursday (four days prior to his demise), the Holy Prophet who was bedridden ordered,
'Bring me paper and pen so that I will write something saving you from going astray forever.'
One of the attendants said, 'He is under severe pain; he is hallucinating! We have Qur'an; it suffices us.' Disagreement took place among the attendants; some accepted the statement of this person and others wanted to carry out the Holy Prophet's orders. There was now commotion. Then they asked the Holy Prophet, 'Should we carry out your intentions?' he replied,
'After what has been done? Leave me alone; my pain is better than what you ascribe to me. Leave me alone.'
Narrators have reported this catastrophic event with little differences; yet, the sequence of the events is the same.