On the day of Resurrection, I will seize your collar to demand my right from you which is trampled on today.
Bibi Fatema (SA)
Excerpt from 'The Life of Fatimah Az-Zahra', The Principle of All Women: Study and Analysis':
Fatimah (s.a.) lay in her bed with her face toward the Qibla. She said to Asma’, 'O mother, I am going to die now. I have purified myself. Let no one uncover me!' She began reciting some verses of the Qur'an until she breathed her last, and her great soul went up to its Creator surrounded by the angels to be received by the prophets at the head of whom would be the master of all the creation, her father Prophet Muhammad (S). She died in the period between the Maghrib (sunset) Prayer and the Isha’ (evening) Prayer.
That great soul went high to the gardens and contentment of Allah where this world had never and will have never had anyone from Eve’s daughters like her in sacredness, honor and chastity.
Al-Hasan and al-Husayn went back home hurriedly to see what happened to their mother, but they did not find her. Asma’ told them that their mother died. She asked them to tell their father. They both ran towards their mother’s body. Al-Hasan threw himself on his mother saying, 'Mother, talk to me before my soul leaves my body!'
Al-Husayn, too, threw himself on his mother crying and saying, 'Mother, I am your son al-Husayn. Talk to me before my heart splits and then I die.'