. Shia Devotions - View Events

Namaz-e Wahshat

On the first night after the burial of a dead person, this two Raka'ats of wahshat prayers are to be offered for them only by one person - the heir, or someone who has been asked to recite it.

In the first unit, after Sura al-Hamd, recite Ayatul Kursi

In the second unit, after Sura al-Hamd, recite Sura al-Qadr 10 times

Excerpt from 'Islamic Laws':

Issue 646: Wahshat prayers can be offered in the night following the burial of the dead body at any time, but it is better to offer it in the early hours of the night after 'Isha prayers.

Issue 647: * If it is proposed to transfer the dead body to some other town or its burial is delayed owing to some reason, the wahshat prayers should be deferred till the first night of its burial.

