Ghufayla prayers is one of the Mustahab prayers which is offered between Maghrib and Isha prayers having great rewards
After Maghrib, recite a 2 raka'at prayer as follows:
Further Info:
A hadith from Imam As-Sadiq, alayhi as-salam, from his fathers, from Rasul Allah Muhammad, Salallahu alahi' wa 'aali wa sallam, found in the book Thawab ul-Amal by Shaykh as-Sadooq, places the reward of praying Salat ul-Ghufayla, as inheriting paradise. Other narrations point to the fulfillment of wishes because of the Salah.
We usually pray Maghrib followed by Isha' and not reflect upon the short time in between these two prayers. It's called the time of Ghafla', meaning negligence, since people are generally heedless of its importance as well as potential.
The period between Maghrib and Isha' is also suggested as a symbol of how short this life is. Hence the time for Ghufayla' prayers is straight after Maghrib Salah and before we pray Isha' prayers. However, according to some scholars, it can still be prayed after Isha' prayers, if we forget to do so between Maghrib and Isha'. The other thing to remember is how Islamic teachings emphasize the importance of recommendatory prayers to compensate for the lack of focus or attention in our daily obligatory Salah. The more Mustahab Salaahs we perform, the more likely our daily Wajib prayers will be accepted by Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala