I heard my father Musa b. Ja'far (A) say that I heard my father Ja'far b. Muhammad (A) say that I heard my father Muhammad b. 'Ali (A) say that I heard my father 'Ali b. al-Husayn (A) say that I heard my father Husayn b. 'Ali (A) say that I head my father Amir al-Mu'minin 'Ali b. Abi Talib (A) say that I heard God's Messenger (SAW) say that I heard Gabriel say that I heard God say that 'the sentence 'There is no god but God' is my stronghold, thus whomever enters my stronghold shall be safe from my punishment.'" ... "With its conditions, and I myself and one of those conditions.
Imam Ridha (A)
Excerpt from 'The life of Imam 'Ali Bin Musa al-Ridha':
When Imam al-Ridha’, peace be on him, was born, the earth shined; waves of delight and happiness spread through the Household of the Prophet, May Allah bless him and his Household. As for Imam al-Ka’zim, he received with more delight the news of the birth of his blessed baby, so he hurried to his wife and congratulated her on her baby, saying: 'I congratulate you, Najjma. It is a mark of nobility for you from your Lord!'
Imam al-Ka’zim took his blessed baby, folded it with a white piece of cloth, and performed the religious rites for it. He said the adha’n in its right ear, said the iqa’ma in its left ear, called for sweet water and rubbed its lower jaw with it, and then he returned it to its mother and said to her: 'Take it, for it is the rest (baqiyat) of Allah on His earth.'
The first picture which the Prophet’s grandson (Imam al-Ridha’, peace be on him) saw in the world of existence was that of his father, the Imam of the Allah-fearing and leader of the monotheists;...
Imam al-Ka’zim, peace be on him, named his blessed baby with the name of his grandfather Imam ‘Ali, the Commander of the faithful, peace be on him, that he might get blessing seek good omen in this name, which stood for the greatest personality created in the world of Islam and had all good qualities of the world.