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Wiladat Hazrat Abbas (A)

4th Shabaan

May Allah have mercy upon al-`Abbas. He preferred his brother to himself and sacrificed himself for him until his two hands were severed. So, Almighty Allah shall give him as compensation two wings to fly with the angels in Paradise in the same way as He shall do to Ja`far ibn Abi-Talib. Verily, al-`Abbas shall enjoy such a supreme position with Almighty Allah due to which all martyrs will hope to have its like on the Resurrection Day.
Imam Sajjad (A)

Important Facts

Abbas ibn Ali (A)

Imam Ali (A)

Ummul Baneen (SA)

Abal Fadhl

Qamr Bani Hashim / Saqqa

4th Shaban 26 A.H.

He died on the plains of Karbala on 10th of Muharram 61 A.H and is buried there


Excerpt from 'Al-Abbas':

Al-’Abbas, was the first child of Umm-ul-Banin. With his birth, Medina shone and the whole world glittered. Waves of pleasures flowed in the family of ‘Ali (a), #for the birth of their magnificent moon that would enlighten this world with his merits, and would add immortal glory to the numerous glories of the Hashemites.

As soon as Imam ‘Ali (a) was given the good news of the birth of this blessed child, he hurried to take him, kiss him frequently, and hold the Shariite ceremonies of newborns. The Imam (a) recited the azan in his newborn’s right ear and recited the iqama in the left.These great words, which are the message of all prophets and the melody of the God-fearing, found a ground in the inner self of al-’Abbas. These words later on became the most significant element of his personality. In his future, he would adopt the calling to the true application of these words for which he would lose all his limbs.

On the seventh day of birth, Imam ‘Ali (a) shaved the newborn’s hair and gave golden and silver alms as weighty as the cut hair. As he had done for al-Hasan and al-Husayn, Imam ‘Ali (a) slaughtered a ram as offering to God on behalf of his baby. These practices are adopted from the Prophet (S) whose words, practices, and confirmations are regarded as authoritative, together with the holy Koran, for Muslims.

