I heard my father Musa b. Ja'far (A) say that I heard my father Ja'far b. Muhammad (A) say that I heard my father Muhammad b. 'Ali (A) say that I heard my father 'Ali b. al-Husayn (A) say that I heard my father Husayn b. 'Ali (A) say that I head my father Amir al-Mu'minin 'Ali b. Abi Talib (A) say that I heard God's Messenger (SAW) say that I heard Gabriel say that I heard God say that 'the sentence 'There is no god but God' is my stronghold, thus whomever enters my stronghold shall be safe from my punishment.'" ... "With its conditions, and I myself and one of those conditions.
Imam Ridha (A)
Excerpt from 'The life of Imam 'Ali Bin Musa al-Ridha'':
The Imam, peace be on him, summoned Harthema b. A‘yun in the darkness of the night. When Herthama came, the Imam said to him:
'O Herthama, this is the time of my departure to Allah, the Exalted, and of my joining my grandfather and my fore-fathers, peace be on them; the fixed term has come; this tyrannical one (i.e. al-Ma’mu’n) has decided to kill me with squeezed grapes and pomegranates. He will have needles prodded into the grapes at the place of their storks; he will put some poison on the hand of one of his retainers and order him to knead pomegranates with it, that they may be stained with poison. He will summon me on the next day, bring the grapes and pomegranates near to me, and ask me to eat them. I will eat them, so the decision is valid and the decree is present.
When I die, he (al-Ma’mu’n) will say: ‘I will wash him with my hand.’ When he says that, be alone with him and say to him on my behalf: ‘He (al-Ridha’) said to you: ‘Do not wash, shroud, and bury me. For if you do that, He (Allah) will hasten for you the punishment which He has delayed from you, and the painful thing of which you are cautious will befall you.’ So surely he will refrain (from doing that).'