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20th Safar

The sky wept over al-Husayn (‘a) for forty mornings with blood, while the earth wept over him for forty mornings with blackness. The sun wept over him for forty mornings with the eclipse and with redness, whereas the angels wept over him for forty mornings.

No woman among us ever dyed with henna, nor used any oil or any kohl nor cohabited with her husband till the head of ‘Ubaydullah Ibn Ziyad was brought to us, and we are still grieving even after all of that.
Imam Sadiq (A)

Excerpt from 'Maqtal al-Husayn':

Jabir Ibn ‘Abdullah al-Ansari stood at the grave and burst in tears then thrice called out al-Husayn's name, then he said, 'Why a loved one does not answer one who loves him?' But soon he answered his own query by saying, 'How can he answer while his cheeks are torn, his head separated from his body?

Yet I bear witness that you are the son of the Seal of Prophets (S), the son of the Master of the Faithful (‘a), the son of the inseparable ally of piety, the descendant of guidance, the fifth of the fellows of the kisa’, the son of the master of naqibs, the one who was brought up in the lap of the pious, that you were raised on the milk of iman, that you were weaned with Islam, so you were good when you were alive, and you are so when dead.

But the hearts of the faithful are not pleased with parting with you, nor do they have any doubt about goodness being yours. So peace of Allah be upon you and His Pleasure. And I bear witness that you treaded the same path treaded before you by your brother [prophet] Zachariyya [Zacharias].'
Having said so, Jabir turned his head around the grave as he said, 'Assalamo Alaikom, O souls that abide at al-Husayn's courtyard! I bear witness that you upheld the prayers and paid zakat, enjoined what is right and prohibited what is wrong, struggled against the atheists and adored Allah till death overtook you.

By the One Who sent Muhammad, peace of Allah be upon him and upon his Progeny, as His Prophet with the truth, we have a share in what you have earned.'
'Atiyyah al-’Awfi [his companion who was leading him, since he, a maternal relative and one of the greatest sahabis of Prophet Muhammad (S) was by then a blind old man] asked him, 'How so when we did not descend a valley nor ascend a mountain, nor did we strike with a sword, whereas the heads of these people have been severed from their bodies, their sons have been orphaned and their wives widowed?'

Jabir answered: 'I heard the Messenger of Allah (S), whom I very much love, saying, ‘One who loves a [certain] people will be lodged with them, and one who loves what some people do will have a share in [the rewards of] their deeds.' By the One Who sent Muhammad (S) as a Prophet with the truth, my intention and that of my companions is identical to the one for which al-Husayn (‘a) and his companions were all killed.'

