A lady from my children whose name will be Fatima, daughter of Musa, will die in Qum. On the Day of Judgement this lady will intercede for all my Shi’a to enter Heaven.
Imam Sadiq (A)
Excerpt from 'Lady Fatima Masuma (a) of Qum':
It is narrated that two separate caravans headed towards Khurāsān. One of these groups was the one that Lady Fatima Masuma (A) was in. It was comprised of 23 people, under the leadership of Hārūn ibn Mūsā ibn Ja`far.
The other group travelling to Khurāsān consisted of about 12,000 people under the leadership of Ahmad ibn Mūsā al-Kāđim.
These caravans reached a town called Sāweh on their way to Khurāsān. Here they were attacked by enemies of the family of the Prophet (S).
Many were martyred, including Hārūn, and many others were wounded or taken prisoner. A few managed to flee. A woman from the enemies put poison in the food of Lady Fatima Masuma (A) and she became ill.
She then asked to be taken to Qum and her request was granted. After a few days stay in Qum, she died of her illness and was buried there.