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بِسْمِ اللَّـهِ الرَّحْمَـٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ
bismillāhir raḥmānir raḥīm
In the Name of Allāh, the All-beneficent, the All-merciful.
اَللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ وَ آلِ مُحَمَّدٍ
allāhumma ṣalli `alā muḥammadin wa āli muḥammad
O' Allāh send Your blessings on Muhammad and the family of Muhammad.
اَللّٰهُمَّ اقْسِمْ لَنَا مِنْ خَشْيَتِكَ
allāhummaqsim lanā min khashyatik
O Allah: (please do) grant us an amount of fearfulness of You
مَا يَحُولُ بَيْنَنَا وَبَيْنَ مَعْصِيَتِكَ
mā yaḥūlu baynanā wabayna ma`ṣiyatik
that prevents us from committing acts of disobedience to You;
وَمِنْ طَاعَتِكَ مَا تُبَلِّغُنَا بِهِ رِضْوَانَكَ
wamin ṭā`atika mā tuballighunā bihi riḍwānak
and an amount of obedience to You that makes us attain Your satisfaction;
وَمِنَ الْيَقِينِ مَا يَهُونُ عَلَيْنَا بِهِ مُصِيبَاتُ الدُّنْيَا
waminal yaqīni mā yahūnu `alaynā bihi muṣībātud dunyā
and an amount of conviction that help us tolerate the vicissitudes of this worldly life.
اَللّٰهُمَّ أَمْتِعْنَا بِأَسْمَاعِنَا وَأَبْصَارِنَا وَقُوَّتِنَا
allāhumma amti`nā bi-asmā`inā wa-abṣārinā waquwwatinā
O Allah: (please do) make us enjoy our hearings, sights, and powers
مَا أَحْيَيْتَنَا وَاجْعَلْهُ الْوَارِثَ مِنَّا
mā aḥyaytanā waj`alhul wāritha minnā
so long as You decide to keep us alive; and (please do) make it the inheritor of us.
وَاجْعَلْ ثَارَنَا عَلٰى مَنْ ظَلَمَنَا
waj`al thāranā `alā man ẓalamanā
And (please do) make us avenge ourselves against them who wrong us;
وَانْصُرْنَا عَلٰى مَنْ عَادَانَا
wanṣur-nā `alā man `ādānā
and back us against them who antagonize us;
وَلَا تَجْعَلْ مُصِيبَتَنَا فِيْ دِينِنَا
walā taj`al muṣībatanā fī dīninā
and do not suffer misfortunes in affairs of our religion;
وَلَا تَجْعَلِ الدُّنْيَا أَكْبَرَ هَمِّنَا وَلَا مَبْلَغَ عِلْمِنَا
walā taj`alid dunyā akbara hamminā walā mablagha `ilminā
and do not make our worldly affairs happen to be our greatest concern or our utmost knowledge;
وَلَا تُسَلِّطْ عَلَيْنَا مَنْ لَايَرْحَمُنَا
walā tusalliṭ `alaynā man lāyar-ḥamunā
and do not set him who does not have mercy upon us, as master over us;
بِرَحْمَتِكَ يَا أَرْحَمَ الرَّاحِمِيْنَ
biraḥmatika yā ar-ḥamar rāḥimīn
in the name of Your mercy; O the most Merciful of all those who show mercy.