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Wafat Imam Hassan (A)

7th Safar

Never did a nation resort to mutual counsel except that they were guided by it towards maturity.
Imam Hassan (A)

Important Facts

Hassan ibn Ali (A)

Imam Ali (A)

Bibi Fatema (SA)



15th Ramadhan 3 A.H. in Madina.

He died of poison on 7th of Safar 50 A.H. in Madina and is buried at Baqi


Excerpt from 'Imam Hasan (as), a brief look into his life':

When death was close to al-Hasan, peace he on him, he summoned al-Husayn, peace be on him, and said.

My brother, I am leaving you and joining my Lord. I have been given poison to drink and have spewed my liver into a basin. I am aware of the person who poisoned me and from where I have been made a subject to this deceitful action. I will oppose him before God, the Mighty and High. Therefore by the right I have with regard to you, say nothing about that and wait for what God, the Mighty and High, will decide concerning me.

When I have died, shut my eyes, wash me and shroud me. Then carry me on my bier to the grave of my grandfather, the Apostle of God, may God bless him and his family, so that I may renew my covenant with him. After that take me to the grave of my grandmother, Fatima daughter of Asad, may God be pleased with her, and bury me there.

My brother, the people will think that you intend to bury me with the Apostle of God, may God bless him and his family. For that reason, they will gather to prevent you from doing it. I swear by God that you should not shed even your blood into the cupping-glass in (carrying out) my command.

Then he made his testamentary bequests to his family and his children. (He gave him) his heirlooms and the things which the Commander of the faithful, peace be on him, had bequeathed to him when he had made him his successor, had declared him worthy to occupy his position, and had indicated to his Shia that he was his successor, and set him up as their sign-post after himself.

