Excerpt from 'Ethics of The Prophets':
Prophet John(Yahya) was born 5585 years after the Fall of Adam. He is the son of Prophet Zachariah. His mother is Eisha, the daughter of Imran and sister of Virgin Mary. Her mother gave birth to him while she was six months pregnant. Prophet John is one of the greatest of Bani-Israel Prophets...
As a child, when he went to Al-Aqsa Mosque in Baytul-Moqaddas, he found the servants of the House of God dressed in coarse garment engaged in prayer. Upon his return he asked his mother to sew a coarse garment. His mother too, sewed for him a coarse garment of camel wool. He went back to the Mosque, engaged in prayer benefiting from the sermons of his father, Zacharia.
He had wept so much out of fear of God that his cheeks were scarred with tears. He never married.
John was ordained Prophet when he was only seven years old.