On the Day of Resurrection I intercede for my father, my mother, my uncle-Abu Talib- and a brother of mine, who lived in the pre-Islamic age.
Holy Prophet (SAW)
Excerpt from 'The Message':
It would be better if we enquire about the sincerity of faith of Abu Talib from his honest near ones, because the owner of a house knows better what is within it.
1. When Ali informed the Prophet about the death of Abu Talib the latter wept bitterly. He directed Ali to arrange for his bathing, shrouding and burial ceremonies, and prayed to Allah for the salvation of the departed soul.
2. A mention was made about Abu Talib before Imam Zaynul Abidin, the fourth Imam. He said: 'I wonder why people doubt the faith of Abu Talib, when a woman cannot continue her matrimonial alliance with a non-Muslim husband after she has embraced Islam and Fatimah, daughter of Asad, was amongst those women who embraced Islam at a very early stage and still remained his wife till he breathed his last.'
3. Imam Muhammad Baqir says: 'The faith of Abu Talib was superior to the faith of many people and Ali, the Commander of the Faithful ordered that Haj should be performed on his behalf.'
4. Imam Ja'far Sadiq says: 'Abu Talib was like the People of the Cave. They had faith in their hearts but pretended to be polytheists. For this reason they will be rewarded twice.'