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Excerpt from 'The Life of Ali Ibn Abi Talib':
He first entrusted the commandership of his army to Abu-Bakr. Yet, he came back defeated and failing after he could not surpass the fortresses of Khaybar. The next day, the Holy Prophet (S) gave the commandership of the army to ‘Umar ibn Al-Khattab who, just like his friend, returned defeated and failing.
After these failures, the Holy Prophet (S) declared that he would nominate the commander who should be given victory by Almighty Allah. He thus said,
'Tomorrow, I shall give the Standard to a person who loves Allah and His Prophet and who is loved by Allah and His Prophet. He will not come back before Allah will grant him victory!'
After this announcement by the Prophet (S), the matter was on everyone’s tongue. There was an element of expectancy in the atmosphere. Every Companion wished that he would be the lucky person tomorrow to hold the standard in his hand. None thought that Ali’s name would come up, because Ali (‘a) was suffering inflammation of the eyes.
With the first sparks of morning, the Holy Prophet (S) asked about Ali (‘a). When he was told that Ali (‘a) was complaining about eye inflammation, he (S) asked someone to fetch him. When Ali (‘a) presented himself before the Holy Prophet (S) while his eyes were tied, the Holy Prophet (S) removed that tie and applied his saliva on the inflamed eyes. They were healed at once. He then said to Ali (‘a), 'Take this standard so that Allah will grant victory at your hands.'
Complying with the Holy Prophet’s order, Imam Ali (‘a) asked, 'O Allah’s Messenger! Shall I fight them until I make them follow our faith?'
Answering him, the Holy Prophet (S) said, 'Advance in this way until you descend into the open space before them. Then, you should invite them to embrace Islam and tell them about their duties towards Allah if they accept. By Allah, if Allah guides to Islam one person only, this will be better for you than having the best kinds of camels.'
Rapidly and proudly, Imam Ali (‘a) mended his paces towards the fortress of Khaybar, waving the standard of victory in his hand. He uprooted the great gate of the city and used it as armor that protected him against the strikes and shots.
Marhab, one of the heroes and most courageous fighters, came towards Imam Ali (‘a), singing with these martial verses:
'The people of Khaybar know I am Marhab.
I am armed and an experienced warrior!'
Putting on a red garment, Imam Ali (‘a) faced him and answered back with these martial verses:
'I am that whose mother named him Haydarah
I am a male lion and valiant like tiger
Whose knuckles are strong and the neck wide
Like tiger in the jungle, ferocious to look at
I shall attack in a way to shatter your joints
And leave the adversary to be fodder for the wild beasts
Like a honorable and strong youth
I shall use my sword on the columns of the infidels
And slay you with my sword on a large scale.'
Taking the initiative, Imam Ali (‘a) hit Marhab on the head, cutting lengthwise his helmet, hood, and head. Immediately, he fell to the ground knocked down and stained with his blood. The Imam (‘a) finished him off and left him soulless body.
Thus, Almighty Allah granted Muslims victory, opened before them the invincible fortress of Khaybar.
This incident, which concurred with the return of Ja’far ibn Abi Talib from Abyssinia, gladdened the Holy Prophet (S) very much. He therefore expressed, 'I really do not know which incident is more contented to me; the return of Ja’far or the conquest of Khaybar.'