Excerpt from 'Hayat Al-Qulub, Vol. 1':
During the same time, a wave came between them and the son of Nuh drowned. Imam (Sadiq (A)) says, 'The ship took a turn and the waves carried it towards Makkah. It began to circle the Holy Ka‘bah because except for the holy house everything was submerged. The Ka‘bah is also referred to as al-Bayt al-‘Atiq because it did not submerge.'
The rains and the gushing springs continued for forty days. The level of water arose so much that it lifted the ship towards heaven.
At this Nuh raised his hands and prayed, 'O my Lord, have mercy!'
'And it was said, O earth, swallow your water, and O cloud, clear away; and the water was made to abate and the affair was decided, and the ark rested on the Judi.' [11: 44]
The water was absorbed into the earth and the verdict of Allah in respect of the punishment of infidels and salvation of the faithful came into effect. The ship finally berthed at Mount Judi.
Imam said, 'The earth only absorbed the water that had gushed from it’s springs. It refused to accept the water that had descended as rain because it said that Allah has commanded it only to absorb the water that had come out of it. As a result the water from the heaven spread all over the Earth and the ship halted at Mount Judi which is a great mountain in Mosul.'
Allah sent Archangel Gabriel who transferred that water which was left over to the seas, which are created round the earth.