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Remembering Aun (A) and Muhammad (A)

6th Muharram

Excerpt from 'Tears For Kabala':

‘Aun - Muhammad rode out on to the battlefield. They fought bravely together. They were the grandsons of Ja’far and ‘Ali. They pushed the enemies back. Hundreds of Yazid's men were killed.

‘Abbas and Husayn watched the two brothers fight so fiercely despite being thirsty for three days. ‘Abbas, who had trained ‘Aun - Muhammad in the art of sword fighting, was filled with pride.

Umar Saad, Yazid's commander, got worried. He ordered his soldiers to separate the two brothers and then attack them from all sides.

'Aun - Muhammad were separated. Each one was then surrounded by Yazid's soldiers.

The two brothers were attacked by horsemen running from one side to another. ‘Aun - Muhammad were attacked with arrows, swords, spears and daggers from all sides.

How much can two young children, thirsty and hungry for three days take? As they fell, they called out for their uncle.

'Uncle! Came quickly! Uncle, come and help us.'

Husayn and ‘Abbas rushed to the battlefield.

