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Arrival in Karbala

2nd Muharram

Excerpt from 'Maqtal al-Husayn':

His arrival at Karbala’ took place on Muharram 2, 61 A.H/October 5, 680 A.D. He gathered his children, sisters, and other family members. He cast a look at them then burst in tears. He supplicated saying,

'O Allah! We are the progeny of Your Prophet Muhammad! We have been expelled and estranged from our grandfather's sanctuary, and Banu Umayyah oppressed us. O Allah! Seek revenge on them on our behalf, and grant us victory over the oppressing people.'

He approached his companions saying, 'People are the worshippers of this life, giving religion their lip-service; they uphold it as long as their livelihood is profitable. Once they are afflicted with a trial, few, indeed, will be those who uphold religion.'

Then he praised Allah and glorified Him, blessing Muhammad and his Progeny, adding,'Our affair has reached the point which you can see. Life has changed and turned against us. Its goodness has abandoned us, leaving nothing but a trickle like a pot dripping and a life of hardship like an afflicted pasture.
Do you not see how righteousness is not upheld and how falsehood is not shunned? Let every believer desire the meeting with Allah I see death as nothing but a source of happiness while living with the oppressors as sure displeasure.'

Zuhayr stood up and said, 'We have heard your statement, O son of the Messenger of Allah! Had life been secured for us forever, we would still have preferred to rise with you rather than remain therein.'

Burayr stood up and said, 'O son of the Messenger of Allah! Allah has blessed us with your company so that we may fight defending you till our parts are cut off for your sake, then your grandfather will intercede on our behalf on the Day of Judgment.'

Nafi’ Ibn Hilal said, 'You know that your grandfather the Messenger of Allah (S), could not instill his love in the heart of people nor make them obey him and do what he liked them to do, and there were many hypocrites among them who promised to support him while hiding their treacherous intentions against him.'

