He who weeps over the affliction of Husain on 'Ashura' he will be on the Day of Judgement with the Prophets endowed with great fortitude.
Holy Prophet (SAW)
Stay awake and listen to the museebah (tragedies) of Imam Husayn (peace be upon him), his family and his companions.
The reward of spending this whole night with acts of worship, as per narrations is that one who does so shall be considered having worshipped Almighty Allah with the worship of all the angels. The acts of worship at this night is equal to seventy-years worship.
Offer a 100 unit prayer with Surah al-Fatihah once and Surah al-Tawhid three times in each unit.
Excerpt from 'Maqtal al-Husayn':
...the Hujjah of the Progeny of Muhammad (S), may Allah hasten his reappearance, says,
'Peace be unto ‘Abdullah, the slaughtered infant, the one shot with an arrow, the one whose blood was shed in a most cruel manner and whose blood ascended to the heavens, the one slaughtered with an arrow in his father's lap! The curse of Allah be upon the person who shot him, Harmalah Ibn Kahil al-Asadi, and upon his kinsfolk.'