Excerpt from 'The Life of Ali Ibn Abi Talib':
Surrounded by her soldiers, ‘A'ishah passed by a place where dogs faced her with heavy barking. Frightened by the scene, ‘A'ishah asked Muhammad ibn Talhah about the name of that place. 'This is the Al-Haw'ab Spring!'
Upon hearing this name, ‘A'ishah declared that she would retreat. When she was asked about the reason, she said that she had heard the Holy Prophet (S) saying to his wives, 'I see coming that in the face of one of you, the dogs of Al-Haw'ab will bark. O red-faced (‘A'ishah), beware lest you will be that one!'
Muhammad ibn Talhah said, 'May Allah show you mercy! Move forward and leave such things behind your back.'
However, ‘A'ishah did not make a further step; rather, she decided to go back, because she became sure that she was wrong in this act.
The members of the high command were astounded at this situation, and all their attempts to make her change her mind failed. She, full of sorrow and grief, went on repeating such words like, 'Lead me back home! By Allah, I am the one at whom the dogs of Al-Haw'ab barked! Take me back home!,'
However, when her nephew Abdullah ibn Al-Zubayr interfered, she collapsed before him. He could gather many bribable faithless persons to bear witness under an oath before ‘A'ishah that this place was not Al-Haw'ab! That was the first false oath in Islam. Thus, ‘A'ishah was persuaded to quit the idea of returning home and to lead these armies to fight Imam Ali (‘a).