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Wafat Bibi Ummul Banin (SA)

12th Jamadil Akhar

Exemplary Women: Umm ul-Banin:

Eventually, the godly life of Umm ul-Banin, which was replete with affection and struggle, came to an end about ten years after the event of Karbala. During her blessed life, she conveyed the message of the martyrs and perpetuated the path of Imamate; in other words, she completed her mission.

After the heartrending event of Karbala, she accomplished her political and social mission, namely keeping the eternal heroic event of Ashura alive in the best way possible. Umm ul-Banin passed away in 69 A.H. and was buried in Baqi‘ cemetery next to the Prophet’s aunts Safiyyah and ‘Atikah, the four Shi‘a Infallible Imams, and other luminaries of Islam.

In his praise of Umm ul-Banin, Sheikh Ahmad Dajili, a well- known Arab poet wrote:

'Oh Umm al-Banin! What sublime characteristics you enjoy! Due to the sorrow that came upon you [because of] your faith, you will be remembered forever.'

