اَللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ وَ آلِ مُحَمَّدٍ
allāhumma ṣalli `alā muḥammadin wa āli muḥammad
O' Allāh send Your blessings on Muhammad and the family of Muhammad.
بِسْمِ اللَّـهِ الرَّحْمَـٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ
bismillāhir raḥmānir raḥīm
In the Name of Allāh, the All-beneficent, the All-merciful.
أَللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ وَ آلِهِ
allāhumma ṣalli `alā muḥammadin wa ālih
O God, bless Muhammad and his Household,
وَحَصِّنْ ثُغُورَ الْمُسْلِمِيْنَ بِعِزَّتِكَ
waḥaṣṣin thughūral muslimīna bi`izzatik
fortify the frontiers of the Muslims through Your might,
وَأَيِّدْ حُمَاتَهَا بِقُوَّتِكَ
wa-ayyid ḥumātahā biquwwatik
support their defenders through Your strength,
وَأَسْبِغَ عَطَايَاهُمْ مِنْ جِدَتِكَ
wa-asbigha `aṭāyāhum min jidatik
and lavish upon them gifts through Your wealth!
أَللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ وَ آلِهِ
allāhumma ṣalli `alā muḥammadin wa ālih
O God, bless Muhammad and his Household,
وَكَثِّرْ عِدَّتَهُمْ، وَاشْحَذْ أَسْلِحَتَهُمْ
wakathhir `iddatahum, wash-ḥadh asliḥatahum
increase their number, hone their weapons,
وَاحْرُسْ حَوْزَتَهُمْ، وَامْنَعْ حَوْمَتَهُمْ
waḥrus ḥawzatahum, wamna` ḥawmatahum
guard their territory, defend their midst,
وَأَلِّفْ جَمْعَهُمْ، وَدَبِّرْ أَمْرَهُمْ
wa-allif jam`ahum, wadabbir amrahum
unite their throng, arrange their affair,
وَوَاتِرْ بَيْنَ مِيَرِهِمْ، وَتَوَحَّدْ بِكِفَايَةِ مَؤَنِهِمْ
wawātir bayna miyarihim, watawaḥḥad bikifāyati ma-anihim
send them supplies in a steady string, undertake Yourself to suffice them with provisions,
وَاعْضُدْهُمْ بِالنَّصْرِ، وَأَعْنِهُمْ بِالصَّبْرِ
wa`ḍud-hum binnaṣr, wa-a`nihum biṣṣabr
support them with victory, help them with patience,
وَالْطُفْ لَهُمْ فِيْ الْمَكْرِ
walṭuf lahum fil makr
and give them subtlety in guile!
أَللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ وَ آلِهِ
allāhumma ṣalli `alā muḥammadin wa ālih
O God, bless Muhammad and his Household,
وَعَرِّفْهُمْ مَا يَجْهَلُونَ
wa`arrifhum mā yajhalūn
give them the knowledge of that of which they are ignorant,
وَعَلِّمْهُمْ مَا لَا يَعْلَمُوْنَ
wa`allimhum mā lā ya`lamūn
teach them what they do not know,
وَبَصِّرْهُمْ مَا لَا يُبْصِرُونَ
wabaṣṣir-hum mā lā yubṣirūn
and show them what they do not see!
أَللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ وَ آلِهِ
allāhumma ṣalli `alā muḥammadin wa ālih
O God, bless Muhammad and his Household,
وَأَنْسِهِمْ عِنْدَ لِقَآئِهِمُ الْعَدُوَّ
wa-ansihim `inda liqā-ihimul `aduww
make them forget when they meet the enemy
ذِكْرَ دُنْيَاهُمُ الْخَدَّاعَةِ الْغَرُورِ
dhikra dunyāhumul khaddā`atil gharūr
to remember this cheating and delusive world of theirs,
وَامْحُ عَنْ قُلُوبِهِمْ خَطَرَاتِ الْمَالِ الْفَتُونِ
wamḥu `an qulūbihim khaṭarātil mālil fatūn
erase from their hearts the thought of enchanting possessions,
وَاجْعَلِ الْجَنَّةَ نَصْبَ أَعْيُنِهِمْ وَلَوِّحْ مِنْهَا لْأِبْصَارِهِمْ
waj`alil jannata naṣba a`yunihim walawwiḥ minhal-ibṣārihim
place the Garden before their eyes, and display to their sight that part of it
مَا أَعْدَدْتَ فِيهَا مِنْ مَسَاكِنِ الْخُلْدِ وَمَنَازِلِ الْكَرَامَةِ
mā a`dadta fīhā min masākinil khuldi wamanāzilil karāmah
which You hast prepared for them - the homes of everlastingness and mansions of honour,
وَالْحُورِ الْحِسَانِ وَالْاَنْهَارِ الْمُطَّرِدَةِ بِأَنْوَاعِ الْاَشْرِبَـةِ
walḥūril ḥisāni wal-anhāril muṭṭaridati bi-anwā`il ashribah
the beautiful houris, the rivers gushing forth with all sorts of drinks,
وَالْاَشْجَارِ الْمُتَدَلِّيَةِ بِصُنُوفِ الثَّمَرِ
wal-ashjāril mutadalliyati biṣunūfith thamar
the trees hanging, low with all kinds of fruits -
حَتَّى لَا يَهُمَّ أَحَدٌ مِنْهُمْ بِالْأَدْبَارِ
ḥattā lā yahumma aḥadun minhum bil adbār
lest any of them think of turning his back
وَلَا يُحَدِّثَ نَفْسَهُ عَنْ قِرْنِهِ بِفِرَار
walā yuḥadditha nafsahu `an qir-nihi bifirār
or suggest to himself to flee his opponent!
أَللَّهُمَّ افْلُلْ بِذٰلِكَ عَدُوَّهُمْ
allāhummaflul bidhālika `aduwwahum
O God, defeat their enemy through that,
وَاقْلِمْ عَنْهُمْ أَظْفَارَهُمْ، وَفَرِّقْ بَيْنَهُمْ وَبَيْنَ أَسْلِحَتِهِمْ
waqlim `anhum aẓfārahum, wafarriq baynahum wabayna asliḥatihim
trim their nails from them, separate them from their weapons,
وَاخْلَعْ وَثَائِقَ أَفْئِدَتِهِمْ، وَبَاعِدْ بَيْنَهُمْ وَبَيْنَ أَزْوِدَتِهِمْ
wakhla` wathā-iqa af-idatihim, wabā`id baynahum wabayna azwidatihim
pull out the firm ties from their hearts, keep them far away from their stores,
وَحَيِّرْهُمْ فِيْ سُبُلِهِمْ، وَضَلِّلْهُمْ عَنْ وَجْهِهِمْ
waḥayyir-hum fī subulihim, waḍallilhum `an wajhihim
bewilder them in their roads, turn them astray from their direction,
وَاقْـطَعْ عَنْهُمُ الْمَدَدَ وَانْقُصْ مِنْهُمُ الْعَدَدَ
waqṭa` `anhumul madada wanquṣ minhumul `adad
cut off reinforcements from them, chop them down in numbers,
وَامْلاَْ أَفْئِدَتَهُمُ الرُّعْبَ، وَاقْبِضْ أَيْـدِيَهُمْ عَنِ البَسْطِ
wamlā af-idatahumur ru`b, waqbiḍ aydiyahum `anil basṭ
fill their hearts with terror, hold back their hands from stretching forth,
وَاخْـزِمْ أَلْسِنَتَهُمْ عَنِ النُّطْقِ
wakhzim alsinatahum `anin nuṭq
tie back their tongues from speaking,
وَشَرِّدْ بهِمْ مَنْ خَلْفَهُمْ، وَنَكِّلْ بِهِمْ مَنْ وَرَاءَهُمْ
washarrid bhim man khalfahum, wanakkil bihim man warā-ahum
"scatter by them the ones behind them" (8:57), make them a lesson for those beyond them,
وَاقْـطَعْ بِخِزْيِهِمْ أَطْمَـاعَ مَنْ بَعْدَهُمْ
waqṭa` bikhizyihim aṭma`a man ba`dahum
and through their degradation cut off the hopes of those who come after them!
أَللَّهُمَّ عَقِّمْ أَرْحَامَ نِسَائِهِمْ
allāhumma `aqqim ar-ḥāma nisā-ihim
O God, make the wombs of their women barren
وَيَبِّسْ أَصْلاَبَ رِجَالِهِمْ
wayabbis aṣlāba rijālihim
dry up the loins of their men,
وَاقْطَعْ نَسْلَ دَوَابِّهِمْ وَأَنْعَامِهِمْ
waqṭa` nasla dawabbihim wa-an`āmihim
cut off the breeding of their mounts and their cattle,
لَا تَأْذَنْ لِسَمَائِهِمْ فِيْ قَطْر، وَلَا لْأَرْضِهِمْ فِيْ نَبَات
lā ta-dhan lisamā-ihim fī qaṭr, walal-ar-ḍihim fī nabāt
and permit not their sky to rain or their earth to grow!
أَللَّهُمَّ وَقَوِّ بِذٰلِكَ مِحَالَّ أَهْلِ الْإِسْلاَمِ
allāhumma waqawwi bidhālika miḥālla ahlil islām
O God, through that strengthen the prowess of the People of Islam,
وَحَصِّنْ بِهِ دِيَارَهُمْ، وَثَمِّرْ بِـهِ أَمْوَالَهُمْ
waḥaṣṣin bihi diyārahum, wathammir bihi amwālahum
fortify their cities, increase their properties,
وَفَرِّغْهُمْ عَنْ مُحَارَبَتِهِمْ لِعِبَادَتِكَ وَعَنْ مُنَابَذَتِهِمْ لِلْخَلْوَةِ بِكَ
wafarrigh-hum `an muḥārabatihim li`ibādatika wa`an munābadhatihim lilkhalwati bik
give them ease from their fighting to worship You and from their warfare to be alone with You,
حَتَّى لَا يُعْبَدَ فِيْ بِقَاعِ الَارْضِ غَيْرُكَ
ḥattā lā yu`bada fī biqā`il ar-ḍi ghayruk
so that none will be worshipped in the regions of the earth but You
وَلَا تُعَفَّرَ لِأَحَدٍ مِنْهُمْ جَبْهَةٌ دُونَكَ
walā tu`affara li-aḥadin minhum jabhatun dūnak
and no forehead of theirs may be rubbed in dust for less than You!
أَللَّهُمَّ اغزُ بِكُلِّ نَـاحِيَـة مِنَ الْمُسْلِمِيْنَ
allāhummaghzu bikulli naḥiyat minal muslimīn
O God, send out the Muslims of every region on raids
عَلَى مَنْ بِـإِزَائِهِمْ مِنَ الْمُشْرِكِينَ
`alā man bi-izā-ihim minal mushrikīn
against the idolaters who face them!
وَأَمْدِدْهُمْ بِمَلَائِكَة مِنْ عِنْدِكَ مُرْدِفِينَ
wa-amdid-hum bimalā-ikat min `indika mur-difīn
Reinforce them with angels in ranks from You,
حَتَّى يَكْشِفُـوهُمْ إِلَى مُنْقَطَعِ التُّـرَابِ قَتْـلًا فِيْ أَرْضِكَ
ḥattā yakshifūhum ilā munqaṭa`it turābi qatlan fī ar-ḍik
till the idolaters are routed by them to the end of the land, slain in Your earth
أَسْرًا أَوْ يُقِرُّوَا بِأَنَّكَ أَنْتَ اللَّهُ الَّذِيْ لَا إِلٰهَ إِلَّا أَنْتَ
asran aw yuqirruwā bi-annaka antallāhul ladhī lā ilāha illā ant
or taken captive, or till they admit that You art God, other than whom there is no god,
وَحْدَكَ لَا شَرِيكَ لَكَ
waḥdaka lā sharīka lak
You alone, who hast no associate!
أَللَّهُمَّ وَاعْمُمْ بِذٰلِكَ أَعْدَاءَكَ فِيْ أَقْطَارِ الْبِلاَدِ
allāhumma wa`mum bidhālika a`dā-aka fī aqṭāril bilād
O God, include in this Your enemies in the regions of the lands,
مِنَ الْهِنْدِ وَالرُّومِ وَالتُّـرْكِ وَالْخَزَرِ وَالْحَبَشِ
minal hindi war rūmi wat tur-ki walkhazari walḥabash
the Indians, the Byzantines, the Turks, the Khazars, the Abyssinians,
وَالنُّـوبَةِ وَالـزِّنْجِ وَالسَّقَالِبَةِ وَالدَّيَالِمَةِ
wan nūbati wāzzinji was saqālibati wad dayālimah
the Nubians, the Zanjis, the Slavs, the Daylamites,
وَسَائِرِ أُمَمِ الشِّرْكِ الَّذِيْ تَخْفَى أَسْمَاؤُهُمْ وَصِفَاتُهُمْ
wasā-iri umamish shir-kil ladhī takhfā asma-uhum waṣifātuhum
and the rest of the idol-worshipping nations, those whose names and attributes are concealed,
وَقَدْ أَحْصَيْتَهُمْ بِمَعْرِفَتِكَ، وَأَشْرَفْتَ عَلَيْهِمْ بِقُدْرَتِكَ
waqad aḥṣaytahum bima`rifatik, wa-ashrafta `alayhim biqudratik
but whom You countest in Your cognizance and overseest through Your power!
أَللَّهُمَّ اشْغَلِ الْمُشْرِكِينَ بِالمُشْرِكِينَ عَنْ تَنَاوُلِ أَطْرَافِ الْمُسْلِمِيْنَ
allāhummashghalil mushrikīna bil-mushrikīna `an tanāwuli aṭrāfil muslimīn
O God, distract the idolaters from reaching for the borders of the Muslims through the idolaters,
وَخُذْهُمْ بِـالنَّقْصِ عَنْ تَنَقُّصِهِمْ
wakhudh-hum binnaqṣi `an tanaqquṣihim
bar them from cutting them down through being cut down,
وَثَبِّطْهُمْ بِـالْفُـرْقَـةِ عَنِ الْإِحْتِشَادِ عَلَيْهِمْ
wathabbiṭ-hum bil fur-qati `anil iḥtishādi `alayhim
and hold them back from massing together against them through dissension!
أَللَّهُمَّ أَخْلِ قُلُوبَهُمْ مِنَ الْاَمَنَـةِ
allāhumma akhli qulūbahum minal amanah
O God, empty their hearts of security
وَأَبْدَانَهُمْ مِنَ الْقُوَّةِ وَأَذْهِلْ قُلُوبَهُمْ عَنِ الْإِحْتِيَالِ
wa-abdānahum minal quwwati wa-adh-hil qulūbahum `anil iḥtiyāl
and their bodies of strength, distract their hearts from thinking of stratagems,
وَأَوْهِنْ أَرْكَانَهُمْ عَنْ مُنَازَلَةِ الرِّجَالِ
wa-awhin ar-kānahum `an munāzalatir rijāl
make their limbs too feeble for clashing with men,
وَجَبِّنْهُمْ عَنْ مُقَارَعَةِ الْاَبْطَالِ
wajabbinhum `an muqāra`atil abṭāl
make them too cowardly for contending with champions,
وَابْعَثْ عَلَيْهِمْ جُنْدًا مِنْ مَلَائِكَتِكَ
wab`ath `alayhim jundan min malā-ikatik
send against them a troop of Your angels
بِبَأس مِنْ بَأْسِكَ كَفِعْلِكَ يَوْمَ بَدْر
biba-s min ba-sika kafi`lika yawma badr
with some of Your severity as You didst on the Day of Badr,
تَقْطَعُ بِهِ دَابِرَهُمْ وَتَحْصُدُ بِهِ شَوْكَتَهُمْ
taqṭa`u bihi dābirahum wataḥṣudu bihi shawkatahum
so that through it You mayest cut off their roots, harvest their thorns,
وَتُفَرِّقُ بهِ عَدَدَهُمْ
watufarriqu bhi `adadahum
and disperse their number!
اَللَّهُمَّ وَامْزُجْ مِيَاهَهُمْ بِالْوَبَاءِ وَأطْعِمَتَهُمْ بِالْاَدْوَاءِ
allāhumma wamzuj miyāhahum bil wabā-i wa-ṭ`imatahum bil adwā
O God, mix their waters with pestilence and their foods with maladies,
وَارْمِ بِلاَدَهُمْ بِالْخُسُوفِ وَأَلِـحَّ عَلَيْهَا بِـالْقُذُوفِ وَافْـرَعْهَا بِالْمُحُولِ
war-mi bilādahum bil khusūfi wa-aliḥḥa `alayhā bil qudhūfi wafra`hā bil muḥūl
hurl down their cities, harass them with peltings, hinder them through drought,
وَاجْعَلْ مِيَرَهُمْ فِيْ أَحَصِّ أَرْضِكَ وَأَبْعَـدِهَا عَنْهُمْ
waj`al miyarahum fī aḥaṣṣi ar-ḍika wa-ab`adihā `anhum
place their supplies in the most ill-omened part of Your earth and the farthest from them,
وَامْنَـعْ حُصُونَهَا مِنْهُمْ، أَصِبْهُمْ بِالْجُوعِ الْمُقِيْمِ وَالسُّقْمِ الَالِيمِ
wamna` ḥuṣūnahā minhum, aṣibhum bil jū`il muqīmi was suqmil ālīm
bar them from its fortresses, and strike them with constant hunger and painful illness!
أَللَّهُمَّ وَأَيُّمَا غَازٍ غَزَاهُمْ مِنْ أَهْلِ مِلَّتِكَ
allāhumma wa-ayyumā ghāzin ghazāhum min ahli millatik
O God, if a warrior from the people of Your creed wars against them
أَوْ مُجَاهِد جَاهَدَهُمْ مِنْ أَتْبَاعِ سُنَّتِكَ لِيَكُونَ دِينُكَ الَاعْلَى
aw mujāhid jāhadahum min atbā`i sunnatika liyakūna dīnukal a`lā
or a struggler from the followers of Your prescriptions struggles against them so that Your religion may be the highest,
وَحِزْبُكَ الْأَقوَى وَحَظُّكَ الَاوْفَى فَلَقِّهِ الْيُسْرَ
waḥizbukal aqwā waḥaẓẓukal awfā falaqqihil yusr
Your party the strongest, and Your share the fullest, cast ease to him,
وَهَيِّئْ لَهُ الْأَمْرَ، وَتَوَلَّهُ بِالنُّجْحِ
wahayyi-lahul amr, watawallahu binnujḥ
arrange his affair, attend to him by granting success,
وَتَخَيَّرْ لَهُ الْأَصْحَابَ، وَاسْتَقْوِ لَهُ الظَّهْرَ
watakhayyar lahul aṣ-ḥāb, wastaqwi lahuẓ ẓahr
select for him his companions, strengthen his back,
وَأَسْبِغْ عَلَيْهِ فِيْ النَّفَقَةِ وَمَتِّعْهُ بِالنَّشَاطِ
wa-asbigh `alayhi fin nafaqati wamatti`hu binnashāṭ
lavish upon him livelihood, give him enjoyment of joyous vitality,
وَأَطْفِ عَنْهُ حَرَارَةَ الشَّوْقِ، وَأَجِرْهُ مِنْ غَمِّ الْوَحْشَةِ
wa-aṭfi `anhu ḥarāratash shawq, wa-ajir-hu min ghammil waḥshah
cool for him the heat of yearning, give him sanctuary from the gloom of loneliness,
وَأَنْسِهِ ذِكْرَ الَاهْلِ وَالْوَلَدِ وَأَثُرْ لَهُ حُسْنَ النِّيَّةِ وَتَوَلَّه بِالْعَافِيَةِ
wa-ansihi dhikral ahli walwaladi wa-athur lahu ḥusnan niyyati watawallah bil `āfiyah
make him forget the remembrance of wife and child, pass along to him an excellent intention, attend to him with well-being,
وَأَصْحِبْهُ السَّلاَمَةَ، وَأَعْفِهِ مِنَ الْجُبْنِ
wa-aṣ-ḥibhus salāmah, wa-a`fihi minal jubn
make safety his companion, release him from cowardice,
وَأَلْهِمْهُ الْجُرْأَةَ وَارْزُقْهُ الشِّدَّةَ وَأَيِّدْهُ بِالنُّصْرَةِ
wa-alhimhul jur-ata war-zuqhush shiddata wa-ayyid-hu binnuṣrah
inspire him with boldness, provide him with strength, support him with help,
وَعَلِّمْهُ السِّيَرَ وَالسُّنَنَ، وَسَدِّدْهُ فِيْ الْحُكْمِ
wa`allimhus siyara was sunan, wasaddid-hu fil ḥukm
teach him right conduct and the norms of the Sunna, point him straight in judgement,
وَاعْزِلْ عَنْهُ الرِّيَاءَ، وَخَلِّصْهُ مِنَ السُّمْعَةِ
wa`zil `anhur riyā-a, wakhalliṣ-hu minas sum`ah
remove from him hypocrisy, purify him from seeking fame,
وَاجْعَلْ فِكْرَهُ وَذِكْرَهُ وَظَعْنَهُ وَإِقَامَتَهُ فِيْكَ وَلَكَ
waj`al fikrahu wadhikrahu waẓa`nahu wa-iqāmatahu fīka walak
and make his thinking and remembrance, his departing and his staying, be in You and for You!
فَإِذَا صَافَّ عَدُوَّكَ وَعَدُوَّهُ فَقَلِّلْهُمْ فِيْ عَيْنِهِ
fa-idhā ṣāffa `aduwwaka wa`aduwwahu faqallilhum fī `aynih
When he stands in ranks before Your enemy and his enemy, make them few in his eye,
وَصَغِّرْ شَأنَهُمْ فِيْ قَلْبِهِ
waṣaghhir sha-nahum fī qalbih
diminish their importance in his heart,
وَأَدِلْ لَهُ مِنْهُـمْ وَلَا تُدِلْهُمْ مِنْهُ
wa-adil lahu minhum walā tudilhum minh
give him a turn to prevail over them, not them a turn to prevail over him!
فَإِنْ خَتَمْتَ لَهُ بِالسَّعَادَةِ وَقَضَيْتَ لَهُ بِالشَّهَادَةِ
fa-in khatamta lahu bissa`ādati waqaḍayta lahu bishhahādah
But if You sealest him with felicity and decreest for him martyrdom,
فَبَعْدَ أَنْ يَجْتَاحَ عَدُوَّكَ بِالْقَتْلِ
faba`da an yajtāḥa `aduwwaka bil qatl
then let it be after he has exterminated Your enemies by slaying,
وَبَعْدَ اَنْ يَجْهَدَ بِهِمُ الْأَسْرُ
waba`da an yajhada bihimul asr
captivity has afflicted them,
وَبَعْدَ أَن تَأمَنَ أَطرَافُ المُسْلِمِيْنَ
waba`da an ta-mana aṭrāful muslimīn
the borders of the Muslims are secure,
وَبَعْدَ أَنْ يُوَلِّيَ عَدُوُّكَ مُدْبِرِينَ
waba`da an yuwalliya `aduwwuka mudbirīn
and Your enemy has turned his back in flight!
أَللَّهُمَّ وَأَيُّمَا مُسْلِم
allāhumma wa-ayyumā muslim
O God, and if a Muslim should
خَلَفَ غَازِيًا أَوْ مُرَابِطًا فِيْ دَارِهِ
khalafa ghāziyan aw murābiṭan fī dārih
take the place of a warrior or a soldier in his home,
أَوْ تَعَهَّدَ خَالِفِيْهِ فِيْ غَيْبَتِهِ
aw ta`ahhada khālifīhi fī ghaybatih
attend to those left behind in his absence,
أَوْ أَعَانَهُ بِطَائِفَة مِنْ مَالِهِ
aw a`ānahu biṭā-ifat min mālih
help him with a portion of his property,
أَوْ أَمَدَّهُ بِعِتَاد، أَوْ شَحَذَهُ عَلَى جِهَاد
aw amaddahu bi`itād, aw shaḥadhahu `alā jihād
assist him with equipment, hone him for the struggle,
أَوْ أَتْبَعَهُ فِيْ وَجْهِهِ دَعْوَةً
aw atba`ahu fī wajhihi da`wah
send along with him a supplication for his purpose,
أَوْ رَعَى لَهُ مِنْ وَرَائِهِ حُرْمَةً
aw ra`ā lahu min warā-ihi ḥur-mah
or guard his honour in his absence,
فَأَجِرْ لَهُ مِثْلَ أَجْرِهِ
fa-ajir lahu mithla ajrih
reward him with the like of his reward
وَزْنًا بِوَزْن وَمِثْلًا بِمِثْل وَعَوِّضْهُ مِنْ فِعْلِهِ
waznan biwazn wamithlan bimithl wa`awwiḍ-hu min fi`lih
measure for measure, like for like, and recompense him for his act
عِوَضًا حَاضِرًا يَتَعَجَّلُ بِهِ نَفْعَ مَا قَدَّمَ
`iwaḍan ḥāḍiran yata`ajjalu bihi naf`a mā qaddam
with an immediate compensation through which he will hasten to the profit of what he has sent forth
وَسُرُورَ مَا أَتَى بِهِ، إِلَى أَنْ يَنْتَهِيَ بِهِ الْوَقْتُ
wasurūra mā atā bih, ilā an yantahiya bihil waqt
and the joy of what he has given, till the present moment takes him
إلَى مَاأَجْرَيْتَ لَـهُ مِنْ فَضْلِكَ
lā mā-ajrayta lahu min faḍlik
to the bounty You hast granted to him
وَأَعْدَدْتَ لَهُ مِنْ كَرَامَتِكَ
wa-a`dadta lahu min karāmatik
and the generosity You hast prepared for him!
أَللَّهُمَّ وَأَيُّمَا مُسْلِمٍ أَهَمَّهُ أَمْرُ الْاِسْلاَمِ
allāhumma wa-ayyumā muslimin ahammahu amrul islām
O God, and if the affair of Islam should worry a Muslim
وَأَحْزَنَهُ تَحَزُّبُ أَهْلِ الشِّرْكِ عَلَيْهِمْ
wa-aḥzanahu taḥazzubu ahlish shir-ki `alayhim
and the alliance of the idolaters' against Islam should grieve him,
فَنَوَى غَزْوًا أَوْ هَمَّ بِجهَـاد
fanawā ghazwan aw hamma bijhad
so that he has the intention to go to war and is about to enter the struggle,
فَقَعَدَ بِـهِ ضَعْفٌ أَوْ أَبطَأَتْ بِهِ فَاقَةٌ
faqa`ada bihi ḍa`fun aw abṭa-at bihi fāqah
but frailty keeps him seated, neediness keeps him waiting,
أَوْ أَخَّرَهُ عَنْهُ حَادِثٌ
aw akhharahu `anhu ḥādith
a mishap delays him,
أَوْ عَرَضَ لَهُ دُوْنَ إِرَادَتِهِ مَانِعٌ
aw `araḍa lahu dūna irādatihi māni`
or an obstruction prevents him from his wish,
فَاكْتُبِ اسْمَـهُ فِيْ الْعَابِدِيْنَ
faktubismahu fil `ābidīn
write his name among the worshipers,
وَاَوْجِبْ لَهُ ثَوَابَ الْمُجَاهِدِيْنَ
wa-awjib lahu thawābal mujāhidīn
make incumbent for him the reward of the strugglers,
وَاجْعَلْهُ فِيْ نِظَامِ الشُّهَدَاءِ وَالصَّالِحِيْنَ
waj`alhu fī niẓāmish shuhadā-i waṣ ṣāliḥīn
and place him among the ranks of the martyrs and the righteous!
أَللَّهُمَّ صَـلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّد عَبْدِكَ وَرَسُولِكَ
allāhumma ṣalli `alā muḥammad `abdika warasūlik
O God, bless Muhammad, Your slave and Your messenger,
وَ آلِ مُحَمَّد صَلاَةً عَالِيَةً عَلَى الصَّلَوَاتِ
wa āli muḥammad ṣalātan `āliyatan `alaṣ ṣalawāt
and the Household of Muhammad, with a blessing high above all other blessings,
مُشْرِفَةً فَوْقَ التَّحِيَّاتِ
mushrifatan fawqat taḥiyyāt
towering beyond all other salutations,
صَلاَةً لَا يَنْتَهِيْ أَمَدُهَا
ṣalātan lā yantahī amaduhā
a blessing whose end is never reached
وَلَا يَنْقَطِعُ عَدَدُهَا
walā yanqaṭi`u `adaduhā
and whose number is never cut off,
كَأَتَمِّ مَـا مَضَى مِنْ صَلَوَاتِكَ
ka-atammi mā maḍā min ṣalawātik
like the most perfect of Your blessings that has passed
عَلَى أَحَد مِنْ أَوْلِيَـائِكَ
`alā aḥad min awliyā-ik
to any one of Your friends!
إِنَّـكَ الْمَنَّانُ الْحَمِيدُ
innakal mannānul ḥamīd
You art All-kind, Praiseworthy,
اَلْمُبْدِئُ الْمُعِيدُ
al mubdi-ul mu`īd
the Originator who takes back again,
اَلفَعَّالُ لِمَا تُرِيْدُ
al fa``ālu limā turīd
Accomplisher of what You desirest.